Maristela SA Rossetti

Maristela SA Rossetti



+ 55 11 5116 0515


English, Portuguese, Spanish


Maristela SA Rossetti, an international leader in Corporate Law andGovernance, with a distinguished track record across various sectors and recognized for her contributions to the development of business law.


- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

- President and Member of the Executive Committee of Lexlink International

- Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section.

- University of Pennsylvania School of Law Alumni Association.

- Founder and former president of the Institute of Applied Corporate Law –
ISDA (2015-2019).

- State Counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section

- President of the Permanent Budget and Accounts Committee of the Brazilian
Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (2019-2021).

- Member of the 1st Appeals Chamber of the Brazilian Bar Association, São
Paulo Chapter (2019-2021).

- Member of the Fiscal Council of Associação Lar da Benção Divina

- Visiting Professor of the lato sensu graduate program at FAAP.

- Legal Mentor for the inovaBra Initiative Supporting Startups.

- Nominated as “Corporate Advisor of the Year” for the 2012-2013 edition of
Who’s Who.

- Listed in the ranking of Brazil’s Most Admired Lawyers in the 2024
Análise Advocacia Yearbook.

- Author of several publications, including:

- “Governança e Prática: a Pandemia como Catalisadora de um Processo –
Direito Societário e Outros Temas de Direito Empresarial Aplicado”, Editora
Quartier Latin (São Paulo, Fall 2021).

- Article “Novos Rumos da Governança?” (Valor Econômico, October 23, 2020).

- “Informação, Gestão Empresarial e Governança Corporativa”, Editora
Quartier Latin (São Paulo, April 2017).

- “Análise da Aplicação da Teoria da Desconsideração da Personalidade
Jurídica à Sociedade Anônima”, Editora Quartier Latin (São Paulo, November

- “Sucessão Empresarial, Declarações e Garantias e o Papel da Legal Due
Diligence”, Editora Quartier Latin (São Paulo, May 2005).

- Chapter on “Brazilian law”, International Encyclopedia of Agency and
Distribution Agreements, Graham & Trotman and International Bar Association

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