Maristela SA Rossetti, an international leader in Corporate Law andGovernance, with a distinguished track record across various sectors and recognized for her contributions to the development of business law.
English, Portuguese, Spanish
Maristela SA Rossetti, an international leader in Corporate Law andGovernance, with a distinguished track record across various sectors and recognized for her contributions to the development of business law.
- Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section.
- University of Pennsylvania School of Law Alumni Association.
- Founder and former president of the Institute of Applied Corporate Law –
ISDA (2015-2019).
- State Counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section
- President of the Permanent Budget and Accounts Committee of the Brazilian
Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (2019-2021).
- Member of the 1st Appeals Chamber of the Brazilian Bar Association, São
Paulo Chapter (2019-2021).
- Member of the Fiscal Council of Associação Lar da Benção Divina
- Visiting Professor of the lato sensu graduate program at FAAP.
- Legal Mentor for the inovaBra Initiative Supporting Startups.
- Listed in the ranking of Brazil’s Most Admired Lawyers in the 2024
Análise Advocacia Yearbook.
- Author of several publications, including:
- “Governança e Prática: a Pandemia como Catalisadora de um Processo –
Direito Societário e Outros Temas de Direito Empresarial Aplicado”, Editora
Quartier Latin (São Paulo, Fall 2021).
- Article “Novos Rumos da Governança?” (Valor Econômico, October 23, 2020).
- “Informação, Gestão Empresarial e Governança Corporativa”, Editora
Quartier Latin (São Paulo, April 2017).
- “Análise da Aplicação da Teoria da Desconsideração da Personalidade
Jurídica à Sociedade Anônima”, Editora Quartier Latin (São Paulo, November
- “Sucessão Empresarial, Declarações e Garantias e o Papel da Legal Due
Diligence”, Editora Quartier Latin (São Paulo, May 2005).
- Chapter on “Brazilian law”, International Encyclopedia of Agency and
Distribution Agreements, Graham & Trotman and International Bar Association