Monthly Archives: September 2022

The Netherlands: Prevent the mayor from closing your business premises for years and getting stuck with the tenant in drug discovery cases. What steps can you take as a manager or owner against the municipality and tenant?

September, 2022 – The Netherlands – Certa Advocaten Introduction Upon the discovery of drugs and/or other prohibited substances or goods used to manufacture the drugs, mayors may close a business premises. As a property owner, you are faced with a closed building that no one is allowed to enter. The space cannot be rented or

Argentina: Doing Business In Argentina

The Legal System The Argentine Republic consists of 23 provinces and a federal capital, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The Argentine Constitution divides the federal government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches. While the federal constitutional system is similar to other modern republics like the United States, the Argentine legal system claims its heritage

Argentina: It Just Got Difficult Again To Own An Argentine Subsidiary

September/2022 – Wiener Soto Caparros On February 21, 2020, the Superintendency of Corporations for the City of Buenos Aires (the “Superintendency”) reinstated onerous disclosure requirements on foreign legal entities owning Argentine companies. These same rules apply also to legal entities registered in Argentina as a foreign branch. These disclosure requirements had been in effect for