
BRAZIL: Coronavirus and implications for agreements

March 2020 – Brazil – Rossetti Advogados Due to the arrival of the “coronavirus” or Covid-2019 in Brazil, and depending on the so far unknown extension and consequences of the disease, the effects thereof on the legal world commence to be discussed, specially on civil and corporate agreements. Among thousands of situations that could result

BRAZIL: Positive perspectives for the Brazilian economy in 2020

January, 2020 – Brazil – Rossetti Advogados In addition to opening up the economy and encouraging private credit and economic freedom and cutting through the red tape, the reforms implemented in the economy throughout 2019 by President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration, especially the Social-Security reform, are contributing to a favorable economic environment in Brazil, reflecting the


November, 2019 – Brazil – Rossetti Advogados On November 12, 2019, the Brazilian Congress enacted Amendment to Constitution No. 103, which instituted the Brazilian social security reform. The social security reform has been under discussion over the last few years, and it is being done at an important time for Brazil, as the country has


October, 2019 – Brazil – Rossetti Advogados Last July, Mercosur and the European Union (EU) concluded the negotiations of their first bi-regional trade agreement, twenty years after negotiations between both blocs began. As provided in the agreement, the main purpose is the immediate or gradual reduction of import tariffs between the European and South American